Dinesh D'Souza on George Soros: "I don't know if I'd call him evil incarnate, but he's pretty close to it. There are very few people who could be called the spawn of Satan, but this guy comes fairly close." 🔥
"Soros puts millions of dollars into district attorney races so that criminal-friendly DAS win. But as Dinesh reports, there is currently a powerful countermovement to recall the Soros-backed district attorneys 💥"
From Patriots are in Control
Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Aunt. Love my Country.
We got one in 2016, Darius Pattillo, after allegations of underage stuff against his repub opponent. Still have the son of a bitch.
The demographics of this county has changed due to the crap hitting the fan in adjoining counties and the holder/obama trashing suburbs:
Obama’s last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy
Hillary’s rumored running mate, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, is cooking up a scheme to reallocate funding for Section 8 housing to punish suburbs for...
American Founding Family Descendant. Freedom warrior. AU test kitchen explorer. Discerning Dame.
Fighting this battle in Massachusetts. There is one good DA left in the state and he is Tim Cruz in Plymouth County which has the lowest crime anywhere in the area....because he's actually tough on criminals. Amazing how that works. He is in the fight of his life right now against a Soros-backed candidate with endless resources. Absolute warzone.
Nothing is More Precious than the Children! All Of Humanity Is Uniting To Defeat Unspeakable Evil. God Bless and Protect the QTeam.
Soros spawn-of-Satan DA's ARE being recalled!
Rule of Law & Order IS ascendant.
Thanks be to God!
Goes to show you what a few men with resources can do.
This is why they hide