Open letter to freemasons and illuminati

There is still time to come to the light, expose the evil and be redeemed.

No matter what you participated in, witnessed or condoned, God/Source has a place reserved for you if you courageously step forward and tell the truth to make restitution.

If you are a low-level freemason and do not know the depths of satanism at the top levels, just start making comments or jokes about how much you would be willing to do to be wealthier and more successful. They will start grooming you up.


Not an expert on this topic but will try to add my thoughts.

I have read that some of our founding fathers were Masons. They were well respected and masters in their trades that helped build America.
At some point they expanded membership to an unacceptable saturation. So the inner circle created the Freemasons. After time that as well reached an unacceptable saturation leading to
some Freemasons to became double agents with the illuminati.

I have came to the conclusion that there are 'some' high power Good Freemasons helping pull this off.

Thinking this way because they seem pretty good on hijacking good things.

This is just thought and not backed up by research because you simply can not trust the research material out there on this topic.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

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Aussie Patriot. Nasty1 on twit-ta . I walk my own path, share my own thoughts & my own digs.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

You will find that the British are in control of the Freemasons to this very day.

Dutch Anon. My English writing is limited 🥴....

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Dutch Anon. My English writing is limited 🥴....

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

All things JFK Jr. Am not him. ;) Also on TS. This page does not believe JFK is still alive. But Jr. might be. Time will tell. Enjoy!

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

👍Makes perfect sense. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!

God Humanity Nature Brotherhood Love

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

my father became 33rd mason and scottish rite about 2 years before he passed. he saw it as a brotherhood and i think it actually helped him deal with some serious guilt he held on to.

after he passed, his friends that joined with him, started to see horrific greed first hand and stopped going to meetings and what not. my 2 cents

Family is everything. MAGA. Dark to Light! 🥰🥰God Bless President Trump, Flotus & family.🙏🏻 🇺🇸WWG1WGA. 🇺🇸 God always wins. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

My old boss ‘Elvis’ (not that King) is like a second father to me, a really good man. Elvis, along with another guy at the plant (2 of my fav peeps ever) were both Masons (even wore a gold ring). These men built multiple houses for humanitarian projects and countless other good deeds. Both were in approx 30-40 years. I cannot imagine either of these good men knowing of the Satanic cruelty, I really can’t.
Maybe Q is right, more good than bad. I pray so as my heart would be crushed otherwise.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

America was founded on what?
Who are Masons?

What was fresh is now rotten Long since gone but never forgotten

In response Jack Wightman to his Publication

is this a serious question? oh my

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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication


In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

I have always wondered what some whitehats had to do to infiltrate the [DS], but not sure if I really want to know the answer.

13 Bloodline families DEAD. ALL OF THEM. To be blunt GAME OVER........ Bless you DJT you Fooking LEGEND.......

In response Gesara_ch to his Publication

they became the enemy.

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God loving Patriot who wants to learn and share the truth!

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Reading through the comments and so many have or had family members in these secret societies. I to have a connection with my Dad as a schriner and my father in law was a mason. Isn't it just like the devil to infiltrate something intended for good and turn it into evil. And since he also did that with the church then I guess I also have personal experience. I don't believe any of us are untouched by it!

Author, Audio Book Narrator, Former Liberal. Patriot.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

This country was founded on High Divine Principles, and our Founding Fathers were Divinely Guided. I was taught this as a young Theosophist. America has a Destiny all her own, like every soul does. I believe that the sacred truth held by Masons and other sacred/secret societies keeping the flames of Truth alive (Essense & Cathars for starters) was bastardized and co-opted by the Illuminati. Like every game of "telephone" what is pure becomes tainted over time. "There is no religion higher than Truth." HPB, founder of Theosophy.

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

I am an expert on ancient Secret Societies and Mystery Schools. My family includes a Founding Father (author of the Declaration of Independence) and two Presidents. None where 'initiates', but worked closely with the 'Good' factions of the ancient orders.

All the ancient orders have 'factions'. Good vs Evil. Knowledge, especially occult esoteric 'initiate' knowledge was infiltrated and hijacked over 5,000 years ago, by the same Bloodlines who sacked the Library of Alexandria (False Flag) and hid all our ancestral (origin story) knowledge from the world.

Yes, the 'White' Lodges are absolutely part of, perhaps even leading, this global We The People Revolution, as they have been all throughout all history. They are the true 'keepers' of the 'truth that shall set us free'. #KeepTheFaith

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

In response SAR 1776Q to his Publication

You jogged a memory of a picture of DJT at Mar-a-Lago sitting with Plus Ultra tiles behind him.

PLUS ULTRA was founded by Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Gustave Eiffel, and H.G. Wells in a legendary meeting at the top of the Eiffel Tower during the 1889 “Exposition Universelle” World’s Fair.

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I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

The Templars were the Original Source of Masonry and were the Driving Force of what eventually Led to the Renaissance/Rebirth of the Light from the DARK AGES Presided Over by the Early Church.
It is said that the Templars, while in the Holy Land, Excavated the Temple of SOL-OMON and Therein Discovered a SECRET that had been HIDDEN From Humanity for Centuries. I Believe that this SECRET was the Rediscovery of the Ancient Science of THE SACRED GEOMETRY OF LIGHT and The Power of Words and Letters/Gematria that are Derived from the Geometrical Resonance with the Light of Source Consciousness.
As a Direct Result of this Discovery, Hundreds of Cathedrals were built in a Couple Hundred Years Time all over Europe and the Architecture was Based on the SACRED GEOMETRY OF LIGHT and Enabled People to Experience Conscious Resonance with the Quantum Source of their Being--"GOD"--The (G)rand (O)rganizational (D)esign of the Universe.
The Masons held & Guarded this Secret

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

this reminds me of GHW Bush Thousand Points of light bullshit. connected?? 🤔

Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

I visited Malta a few years back... and got to read in person the original history of the Knights Templar. They were Godly Christian men... and the one's who saved Europe in many of the battles with was it Egyptian /Islamic forces........ trying to invade.

That is the GOD part of the story.
But even in Malta they said the men once they had won the war - became less "godly"... and gave themselves over to more "sinful" things like drinking too much and unfaithfulness to wives and to their devotion to God.

I took it as more of a lesson in a personal pursuit of Godliness....
Did that spiritual laziness make them subject to "be enslaved" or manipulated by the "church" or government forces that wanted to use the Knights for their evil purposes? Perhaps.

Did the governments keep the order of knights but invoke Godless oaths or traditions upon them? Perhaps that was it.

Without Christ as center, and Christ as King ... all of us are prone to wander. Romans 3:9

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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Everything in this world has dual meanings and TRIPLE AGENTS. So the infiltrated Grand Orient Lodge trickled down however tentacles of scars that leave a state of damage unrepairable. Mr. Trump is the lead, and all Masons should/must come to terms with this Leadership and others. I have a problem with Trust being dealt out a claim Corporation DEEPLY Involved. Funding UN, UNICEF, and stocks that are insidious as the Bio, Conventional, and Medical EST., and other means that are evil. I believe we are on the same page, however again, Education, Gender Transition, Diversity, Equality, Inclusion, CRT, Identity Politics are still weaponized, funded/inclusive from this entity. They knew damn well and pushing vaccines, masks, heavily invested in the Markets, and other Masons. It is Scriptures that they will realign, until the housekeeping is complete public apologies are expected and leadership change. Many want heads,for one, two LIES, TRUST is CHANGE, Church and State is no different CHANGE

In response Jack Wightman to his Publication
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calif native, navy brat, Weldon Calif resident, love our Potus, Donald Trump

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

VK my grandfather was a mason. notsure what level but he wore the jacket and all that upper stuff. its so hard for me to believe he was an evil person. he was such a good man

calif native, navy brat, Weldon Calif resident, love our Potus, Donald Trump

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

VK my grandfather was a mason. notsure what level but he wore the jacket and all that upper stuff. its so hard for me to believe he was an evil person. he was such a good man

calif native, navy brat, Weldon Calif resident, love our Potus, Donald Trump

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

VK my grandfather was a mason. notsure what level but he wore the jacket and all that upper stuff. its so hard for me to believe he was an evil person. he was such a good man

calif native, navy brat, Weldon Calif resident, love our Potus, Donald Trump

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

VK my grandfather was a mason. notsure what level but he wore the jacket and all that upper stuff. its so hard for me to believe he was an evil person. he was such a good man

calif native, navy brat, Weldon Calif resident, love our Potus, Donald Trump

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

VK my grandfather was a mason. notsure what level but he wore the jacket and all that upper stuff. its so hard for me to believe he was an evil person. he was such a good man

calif native, navy brat, Weldon Calif resident, love our Potus, Donald Trump

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

VK my grandfather was a mason. notsure what level but he wore the jacket and all that upper stuff. its so hard for me to believe he was an evil person. he was such a good man

calif native, navy brat, Weldon Calif resident, love our Potus, Donald Trump

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

VK my grandfather was a mason. notsure what level but he wore the jacket and all that upper stuff. its so hard for me to believe he was an evil person. he was such a good man

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

was just reading on TS that Pike was the reason for the pivot in wrong direction? Seems plausible.
Anecdotally, the Scottish Rite Freemason building around the corner was suddenly sold and stripped of everything identifying it as Freemason, cornerstone and all.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

There is GOOD and EVIL in every single: assembly, collective, congregation, gathering, muster, organization,circle, clan, clique, coterie, fellowship, gang, ring, round, set, faction, guild (also gild), order, school, sect, brigade, crew, outfit, phalanx, platoon, posse, task force, team, alliance, bloc, coalition, confederacy, confederation, federation, league, union, battalion, squadron, bevy, brood, club, sect…
Whatever name you give it there will always be those for whatever reason think they have a God given right to rule over others by ANY means.

🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

I ❤ Nuance.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

I have relatives in a small midwest farm town who were “masons” generations ago. These men were hard working Farmers who also attended the Methodist church every Sunday. They were good people. God & Family First Men!!

I equate the FreeMason confusion to the Catholic Church Confusion. Most Catholics do not know the truth about the Pope and the Vatican, same goes for most Masons. IMHO! 🤷‍♀️

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

I wouldn't doubt it if Trump and others are those Good Freemasons you're referring to. Maybe even going as far as saying Trump is a 33rd degree Mason. The Freemasons were infiltrated and Myron Fagan's lecture is a great breakdown of how it happened.

So it wouldn't suprise me at all if there were breakaway groups that didn't want to walk the path of Darkness and chose the Light. Interesting fact about 33rd degree masons...

"33rd degree Masons are sometimes referred to as white hats within the Fraternity because, as we talked about in a previous topic, the color of a Scottish Rite Masons regalia hat communicates different things about that member, such as whether he is a regular member an officer or recipient of some other honor. The color white is reserved for those hats worn only by brothers who have received the 33rd degree. But receiving the 33rd degree is not just an honor."

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D

In response Tyler 316 to his Publication

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D

In response Tyler 316 to his Publication

The Power Behind the New World Order Full Documentary

The Power Behind the New World Order Full Documentary - YouTube

Support Nicholson1968 at: in sHell: Name is Ca...

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Suspended from twitter account @LeAurAnon

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

wow, thats crazy. ive come to the exact same conclusion myself. But im smart enough to know i still dont know shiiiiieet

Here's to new beginnings! #WWG1WGA Love is the answer

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

JFK tried to warn us about secret societies and look what [They] did to him.
I clearly remember as a 3yr old, sitting on the floor at my parents store, playin with my toys (that was daycare back in those days) and looking way up high at my parents and wondering what had shocked & devastated them from the news that came on the radio. Mom was crying. I didn't understand it at the time, but I had never seen them behave that way and it upset me seeing them like that.

JFK Speech On Secret Societies - YouTube

One week before JFK's assassination, he delivered this speech, calling out the deep state of a secret society that continues to plague humanity. Let's remove...

Grateful to be here with all of you awesome souls. WWG1WGA #prayerteam

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Of the 235 retired high ranking military who composed a letter backing President Trump:

Included signer -> Brigadier General Ronald Mangum, who was elected Master of OSMTJ 1/2/20 (FKA The Knights Templar)