The evil folks live and operate by the motto "Order out of chaos". They create chaos, then they send in "order". You can use your imagination as to who or what the "order" they send in is. Don't be fooled. These people are pure evil and have had decades to plan all that is happening right now. That includes implementing a digital currency with basic income and a social credit system AFTER they've crashed everyone's economy and made us all suffer from food shortages, probably electrical and internet outages, etc. Once we've suffered enough....they come up with a solution! Folks will be so happy to have some relief, they'll willingly go along with it like they did the Covid plandemic and vax. The writing is on the wall, as we've been told repeatedly all of this and their plans (mostly by the WEF). Read this for starters and then the rest of the information on the website and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE.
Interview with Gideon - Oculum Labs
Gideon discusses the coming Financial Reset and secretive software that will be used to implement social credit scores, called CSRQ-SM.