#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
What happens to the people who are Patriots, lived within their meager means all their lives, have very little experience with any online purchasing other than paying their bills? No credit cards, no bank loans, usually always paid cash for their used automobile or home. Many are older and just lived simply. Never believed in all the technology stuff, therefore never operated within it. They have followed this movement. Some have taken to the computer for the first time, just because of this movement. Believe the change is coming, know the hard truths. They have nothing left over after paying the bills, and if they did,...Don't understand enough about technology to go about it? What happens to these people in this new system? Not asking out of fear or a begrudging spirit. I ask knowing that there is much more to this than just the wealth aspect and have faith in the good people who will emerge from it.

i believe we will be fine. All of us

🇺🇸I ❤️God, Family and America🇺🇸 Been lurking and learning since 2016, first Q drop, and CBTS. 🙏 Psalm 23 🙏 #GodWins #LoveTrump
There are many patriots here who can help walk you through process if you need help. There are also plenty of “How to” YouTube videos that are very good.
Only a few dollars can go a long way with XRP at 35 cents…for a $25 dollar investment you can get 71 XRP!! ( not financial advice )

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!
We are in the same boat as the OP. I have asked on here. I don’t know what is good and what is bad when it comes to this market. I am not computer savvy. Doesn’t mean I cannot learn. I just don’t trust easily and change is hard for most of us. I have to fully understand what I am doing. Who are the “bad ones” the guy in the video is talking about? I cannot “blindly” follow. That’s how people get scammed.

Patriot. MAGA Momma. I just want Honesty in politics not to be an oxymoron & criminals prosecuted. Happily married to The One.
I don't know how all of this will play out, but maybe buy physical silver? Right now it is $18.84 an ounce. Maybe that is an amount you can work into the budget. I understand right now many don't have anything left in their budget with inflation, so that may not be an option. 🙏 Somehow it will work out. Maybe the fed tax debt will be wiped clean which will reduce taxes for all which is like a raise? Just keep putting out positive thoughts.

Thank you! Been checking our local pawn shop for Silver when money allows. Usually sold out, but I can expand the search. Appreciate you!

Christian, Truth Seeker, Patriot, Married, 72, Texan, #WWG1WGA
I was doing that for awhile, but my husband and I are both retired. Right now we are doing well to pay all of our bills, and we need so many house repairs. Many of our appliances need to be repaired or replaced. We get into more of a hole every day. Everything is going up! Our phone/internet bill keeps climbing. The special cat food I have to buy for our male cats keeps going up. For crying out loud, our PO box fee just went up again! We aren't going to make it, if this continues!

Faith+ Family +Vibes + Truth . No DM’s unless I know ya :)
I do not understand digital finance either , I do however have a feeling that it will be sorted out . With a new way has to come clarification & understanding . I hope and believing they get to keep tyeir assets .

Faith+ Family +Vibes + Truth . No DM’s unless I know ya :)
their *

I share your opinion and your hope, and thank you for sharing it with me. I don't fear losing assets as much as I did. Just looking for the tools to rebuild for myself and my surviving older Parent who is aware and asking questions that I don't have answers for. My hope grows for both of us and many others. Hang in there. We are. 💞