I just learned about this information and I'm sharing it on all the platforms I can (here, Gab, Telegram) as it is already being censored on Twitter.
Backstory: Some white hat hackers were hired at the end of 2021 to help check the security of a new upcoming social credit system. Once they were inside, they were horrified by what they were seeing and have decided to share the information to let us all know about the impending 'Financial Reset' (basically intentionally crashing the worlds' economies to usher in this system) is about. I've been researching things for a number of years now and after reading this entire website, it literally shook me to my core.
Here's the interview to start you off: https://oculumlabs.com/interview-with-gideon-csrq-sm/ Once you are done there, make sure to read the rest of the website, including the intel drops, the FAQ section, the class designations, who has already been assigned 'Sovereign' (the coveted exempt status) and so on. Then share
Interview with Gideon - Oculum Labs
Gideon discusses the coming Financial Reset and secretive software that will be used to implement social credit scores, called CSRQ-SM.