Connecting dots...
"multiple meanings"
#1 Ford Motor Company
#2 Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
#3 38th President Gerald Ford
🔸His VP was a Rockerfeller 🤔
🔸Betty Ford > Wife
🔸Susan Ford > Daughter = Betty Ford Clinic
🔸Sue Ford aka Brice Taylor : Sex Slave
Brice Taylor being a "Ford", makes her one of the bloodline families.
Queen of England used her as a breeder.
Makes me think of what Trump said at his last rally....
"I eat the food. I don’t throw it."
More Ford connections!!
Big Pharma Set To Control Entire Food Supply
Monsanto/Bayer is creating gene edited seeds for vertical farm companies, while Bill Gates, the Rockefeller and FORD Foundations, and the World Bank control 10% of the world’s germplasms and hold some of the world’s largest seed banks. Bayer and BASF, two of the world’s largest suppliers of seed, are both involved with the vertical farm industry.