🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
I finally had a healing dream. It was wildly unpleasant but it brought some grief to the surface that has simply been bottled up for all of our worthy distraction. In Spring 2020 I created JFKJrFan in hopes of a being an account that would deal very specifically with the anons and all of the hardship and loss we were experiencing in our personal lives. It became something else and that's fine. There's a guilt that accompanies mentioning our own loss, knowing what Trump, the Kennedy's, our Gone With The Wind friends, our military, and our children have and are being subjected to. This subject will get tabled again- for now- but it does deserve naming. I want you to know how much I appreciate all of your sacrifice Truth seeker. This awakening simply could not have happened without you. Thank you.
Nor would it have happened like it has without you either Sir.
Every particle on the wave was necessary to achieve this timeline result is what Nana is understanding.
Sorry for your pain, people have gone thro different degrees of pain in their lives.
I do believe no one is above it.
The real test of the soul is which way we turn in the depth of that darkness isn't it?
Those that can put the pain behind them by connecting to the ONE God can eventually put the pain in the past, where it belongs, without allowing that energy, things like guilty and sadness of it, to remain attached to our souls.
Eventually, all left is joy.
A joy that it is done, you survived it, and it never has to happen again.
That is also the joy that will come to us all once we grieve the children& the lies of all our pasts because "WE" TOGETHER for the 1st time in the history of humanity have changed the game.
It will be a fair "Free Will Choice" game allowing "Real" choice of good & evil now! TY
🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
Thank you Nana. You are always so generous with your time and attention. We appreciate you.