I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
"BIPOLAR" is Just a Pseudo Scientific Term that is Used to Describe the Left Hemisphere/Right Hemisphere/Whole Brain/Heart Process that is Encoded WITHIN US.
The Left Hemisphere/"Left Eye of Horus"/Left Hand of God" Controls the Right Side of the Body and the Right Hemisphere/"Right Eye of Horus"/"Right Hand of God" Controls the Left Side of the Body.
When Both Hemisphere are Synched with the Heart through the Tree of Life Vagus Nerve, the Nerve Bundles that Connects the Hemisphere's--The CORPUS COLLOSUM/"Great Man"/"Vast Man" is Activated, thus Resulting in a Direct, "Mystical" Experience of the Quantum Source Field which Now Looks Through Your Eyes.
Saint Francis of Assisi Experienced this During His Visions and was Later Quoted as saying: "WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR IS WHAT IS LOOKING."
So, We are All "BIPOLAR"--the only Question is whether or not we are able to Consciously Synch Our Hemispheres and EXPERIENCE God/Christ in All Thins and All Things in Christ"
precisely 🙌💥🥰
sharing this 🙏
THANK YOU! You Were Extremely Blessed to have had this Vision. I Am Not Surprised--there are Certain People on Here that Continually Resonate with my Posts and You are One of Them.
yes! there are a few!!! hopefully many more soon🙌🥰