Mom, Granny, # Christian and #RedPilled for years . #GodBlessPresidentTrump #TheBestIsYetToCome
Ultra Pepe Lives Matter :
I know that some of you may feel that things are going quite slowly. How could we possibly be on the right track at this pace you may wonder. But I assure you that God is working. It feels slow because what's happening is so monumental in its scale. An entire system is unveiled for a population of billions. Keep your head on straight Patriots. Remember what just happened not long ago. Moloch took a major hit as Roe V Wade fell. The guidestones collapsed. Let these events be an encouraging sign for you. A reminder that God is doing something much more beautiful and grand in scale than we can even imagine right now. As we walk through this journey just take it one day at a time and hold tightly to those bread crumbs that God leaves along the way. He's not going to leave us here or abandon us half way through. He's going to take us all the way. Amen.
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