What is wrong here?
We see this put in our face -
Fake News hides everything and according to Assange, 98 percent of Congress is corrupt. This happened on or about 1-25-2021. At the time, I had a rather far-fetched thought, that maybe McConnell had wanted to tell the truth about the 2020 election but who knows . . .
I like where you are at -
If they / Congress all voted or spoke at one time without announcement ahead of time I bet we could get some truth out of them.
If the Enemy knows ahead of time this is ghe punishment therefore the enslavement lives on.
🤔 How does this happen?
Perhaps we can all take some of the blame. It's comfortable to believe in what our political leaders say and then go about our daily living without thinking we have to keep an eye on them. Perhaps the leaders get too used to their life styles and too full of themselves, believing they are much better than we are, so they have thought they were entitled in one way or another, and then of course, there's the Satan factor.