The demon matrix is collapsing
WEF, UN, EU, NATO, D.C., VATICAN, etc. — bankrupt
Resignations in cabal governments across the world
U.K., Italy, Sri Lanka, Israel, Pakistan, Estonia, Ukraine,
Macron in France under criminal investigation,
Canada’s Trudeau about to go
👆All were Human Traffickers & bloodline puppets
-George Magazine is being re-booted
-In practically every State in America
the 2020 Election has been found to be a Fraud
-President & Commander Trump hinted
he might return before Fall 2022
in his beautifully refurbished Boeing 757
-Mike Lindell said the miracle of Trump’s return
will happen in August 2022
-More than ½ the world are trading in Gold
having left the bloodline central banking Fiat system
-A googolplex of Gold is in White Hat hands
-NESARA/GESARA is coming to all
-Trump has not yet played his card ♦️♠️
💥 Hence the blazing Schumann LIGHT 🤩