In response Lydia Fahsholtz to her Publication

Last thing on earth anyone should do is to follow me. We're all on our own Hero's Journey. I like to read what other's may know.

In response Lydia Fahsholtz to her Publication

If you type in your search browser just about any of the old school de-wormers for pets/people or herbs such as wormwood, or black pepper extract (piperine) or the spice, turmeric plus the word: cancer'll find the same list of all the cancers in highly respected medical journal studies that conclude they will reduce multiplication of cancer cells or even death of the cancer cells. Meaning to me, the theory that cancer is caused by parasites is most probably correct. Crazy.

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In response Colonel17Q Carter777-Z to her Publication

Not starting to smoke was the best decision you ever made.
Some say it is the fibers in the filter that causes lung disease.
Big Tobacco is another malevolent force that is killing us slowly.