PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
I turn 65 soon & planned on retiring. I have done tort cases before with "bad drugs" against big pharma for failure to warn. I would love not to retire just so I can do some of these cases, although sad but would be interesting at the very least

Ahhh, we need you tort lawyers so bad! But no doubt you have been looking forward to retiring! Enjoy it when it comes! 💗
Not a lawyer but an RN. I have worked on Tort cases doing chronologies for the lawyers on multiple bad drugs & there are many!!! They (big pharma) have very very very deep pockets & then they settle. One that sticks in my head is we had 8000 cases for the drug Risperdal given to young mostly boys, some even age 4, for ADHD which caused "man boobs". I don't consult with the attorneys, I just put the info together for them. Another one, Gadolinium, a contrast agent used in MRI's. It causes NSF (nephrogenic systemic fibrosis). They still use it. Sued for failure to warn. So they just change the wording.