Some one made a list...
I forgot about Epstein island dome. in 2019
so 3 locations so far?

this is from Twitter but someone brought up a very good point.
all Masonic lodges

and all churches need to go as well.


Only people mentioned by @XFILES in this post can reply

I have studied old calendars at museums, they have 364 days only! One day is not marked! 13 x 28 days. Let's make calendar great again. ❤️

In response Dana Scully - Z to her Publication

Notre Dame burnt already April 15, 2019 pretty badly.

In response Dana Scully - Z to her Publication

Notre Dame had a fire 3 years ago (4/2019), being restored

Out of conflict, Comradeship is borne.

In response Dana Scully - Z to her Publication

I'm gonna pin this list on the fridge.