I truly believe that "The Mandela Effect" is nothing more than a human program, just like many other evil methods to create internal doubt and confusion. No different than all the other methods utilized by these evil entities.

Aware of enough lies that I am suspicious of every truth - and the truth does not care about your feelings...INFJ Sigma
They have had the ability to change infirmation in real-time since before any of ue were born. The way they keep the majority dumbed down, it was even easier with all of it beconing digital (soon to be only digital?) fornat. IMO that is all it is...those of us remembering things differently are easy to dismiss as crazy, or them even make up some fictional narrative about reality shifts or whatever. Which is why I value my books and hand-written notes...

Luis, I agree with you! One more way to fook with people's minds and make them feel as though they're nuts.
I don't believe that Sunkist changed their name. I think they branded it that way on purpose, to make it seem as though it was cursive writing when they probably wanted a subliminal Sinkist.

FULL faith in Jesus Christ! Trump Loyalist. JFK fan. Blessed to be part of The Great Awakening. WWG1WGA! #FamilyIsEverything #TRUMP2023

No, No, No!!!!

True patriot fighting for God and country! Give me Liberty or give me death!

There are many changes that have happened… In corporate logos, movies, and even the Bible. Do you remember the lion laying down with the lamb in Isaiah 11:6 (upside down 9:11)? There is not a translation, no matter how far back you go, that reads that way any more. The Bible on your shelf now says “The wolf will dwell with the lamb…”. I have proof it used to be lion. My Dad’s Bible Dictionary references a lion in Isaiah 11:6 laying down with a lamb to symbolize peace.

Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
I specifically remember it as the lion lays down with the lamb.
The reason it sticks out is you have one of the meekest animals with one of the most majestic hunters.

God loving Patriot who wants to learn and share the truth!

Love My President Donald J. Trump Love My Country 1776 U.S.A. Republic LOVE MY GOD !!! BTW I identify as a ... LIGHT SUPREMACIST 🕆🛐🕆
Yup-Yup .... ohhhhhhhh-boy !!!

Well, maybe, since CHIC's (Women) are now hard to come by now,
they will have to settle for regular CHICKS (chicken).
Get what I'm trying to say here?

Kid/Cat Mom & Patriot. Clinton's and Whitewater started the awakening. So happy that I am no longer alone in my observations! #WWG1WGA
Always had a K. I would have been calling it Chic the whole time if it was without. Making fun of wording is too tempting for me.

Jesus is my Lord, Heaven is my home. Christian Patriot, I want my country back! NO DMs! #MAGA #WWG1WGA #JesusIsLord #GodHasThis #GodWins
Checked an old 2015-2016 Yellow Pages, something strange, 13 of those listed were spelled Chick-fil-A, 1 was spelled Chic-fil-A like many of us remember. What's going on? LHC? Mandela Effect? Can't be a 1-off, too many of us agree.
Anyone noticed anything else out of sync? They were talking about the destruction of Georgia Guidestones signaling we're on the right timeline, what indicated we weren't before? Or were there no indicators of anything right or wrong until the Georgia Guidestones?

13 Bloodline families DEAD. ALL OF THEM. To be blunt GAME OVER........ Bless you DJT you Fooking LEGEND.......
Real chicks v GMO chicks
I worked at a place long ago.
Chick farm.
Chicken Eggs in heated incubators.
Identical yellow chicks would come down the conveyor belt.
Thousands upon thousands
All I could hear is chirping
Endless chirping
I had to flick the dead ones off
I lasted two months.
The chirping stopped.

K = 11

MAGA - Harm NONE - Treat others the way you want to be treated - SAVE THE CHILDREN - We are ALL ONE - WWG1WGA/NCSWIC/TBIYTC
Should we be avoiding chic/k fila food? I am confused........what is going on with them? Ty in advance.....

Could probably train some AI to detect Mandela Effect changes. It's odd that the most insignificant changes are the most noticeable. I wonder what changes we are not seeing.

😱Just looked up our local Chic Fil A online, haven't driven by yet, but the online store front picture has the k.

old army medic 91b took the oath in 93 .
I figured more would show up . Cool . Timelines converging , Law of averages .

Woman who loves God, my family, & my country, as well as Freedom lovers worldwide. Not here for followers. #FamilyIsEverything #GodWins
Was invited to share a dream I've had long years to build homes that would house married couples (1 man 1 woman...the original & only's lol), plus any children the couple might already have.
The fam would agree to take in foster siblings to the point that their home(s) would have a max of 10 ppl in them, and those siblings would become as their own kids.
This was back in the early 2000's. Was taken into an Administrative Office of a man who was very influential on a small, private college in N. Georgia. Shared the dream that I knew was from God, and this man set me up to travel to the headquarters of Chic-Fil-A (yes,no k) and meet Mr. Truett Cathey and spend the day with him sharing my hope/dream/vision, and to tour his incredibly beautiful HQ and see his awesome classic car collection housed there.
Mr. Cathey was prepared to give me enough $$ to build as many as I wanted, as unbeknownst to me, CFA was already doing a similar thing.
When push came to shove and Mr. Cathe

Woman who loves God, my family, & my country, as well as Freedom lovers worldwide. Not here for followers. #FamilyIsEverything #GodWins
2/2 cont. Mr. Truett Cathey was at the age he was passing ops to his son, the son chose to not build any homes in the U.S., but only in places like India.
Haven't eaten at CFS since, and after Mr. Cathey's passing, can see his values being trampled upon by CFS support of things Truett would never have ok'd.
"I dreamed a dream of days gone by..."
interdasting that the k was originally there.

NY Attorney @JMSesq555 on X @JMSesq15 on Rumble
Who are the puppets?
Who are the puppet masters?
Who pulls the strings?
What provides power?
How are JFK, Reagan, and Trump different from the rest?
Why did JFK surround himself w/ family much like POTUS?
God save us.
Focus on Military Intellingence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency
Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^
Operation Mockingbird
Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show.
🧐misspelling of "Intellingence" as marker
🧐 This 💧 was also noted in one my prior posts yesterday
🧐various 💧s noted in my posts re: VK's posts within the past few days that contain markers
TRIP Update.
What will next week hold?

NY Attorney @JMSesq555 on X @JMSesq15 on Rumble
🧐13:21 > 43 《》 34
Resistance will be dealt with swiftly. The core focus is removing entrenched and fortified bad actors within our federal govt (past and present) as well as others.
Any military seen is for your protection as well as to demonstrate our resolve. Watch for confirmations tomorrow.
💧34 🔥🔥
🧐misspelling of EBS as "EMS" as 2nd marker of this post
Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the dump. Poof!
🧐 This 💧 was noted in one of my posts yesterday
Who exposed the pedo network within H wood?
The network which controls this false narrative which in turns keeps the black pop under control is being dismantled.
🧐💧 Maxine W
🧐 This 💧 also noted in one of my posts yesterday along with its mirror, 91.

I'm an old fashioned woman, the kind with a WOMB! Army Vet, daughter, sister, mom, grandma, best friend. #WWG1WGAWW #FamilyISEverything
I just asked my twin sister. She said "It's ALWAYS been ""Chick.."". Wrong!! It's ALWAYS been "Chic"!!!! Right?

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

So is this our new hang out after the T cleansing? Nice! Never give up Patriots! WWG1WGA!
Next it will be Elahn Musk. Get your screenshots now! 😊

Looking forward to The Best is yet to come. Holding the line
My memory is Chic no k. I also have a memory of a few years back asking myself when did they change to chick

Wow, that’s wild! I remember the Chic-fil-a, not with the “k” added at all…🤔

Just texted my little brother… he started his career there as a teen. i asked if a K was ever in the name. He said no. I told him to look it up. FREAKY!!!
Only followers of this user (@CueTee42) can see their posts

Ordinary American who loves her country, tears up during the National Anthem and recognizes what President Trump is doing for the world.
This is a little ttinket I gave my boyfriend a former dairy farmer a long time ago. Door Dash also has Chick fil A. Now I’m just confused😵

Im confused tooo. im glad im not the only one🤔 upside down world.

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D

I looked up our local Chic fil A online and the storefront picture shows the "k". Haven't driving by yet. But it did not have the "k' in it

God, Family, Country avid reader, lover of red pandas, cats and dachshunds, veteran
Sadly, the lion and the lamb are still not lying down together: Isaiah 11:6. By all accounts (other than Mandela effect and hundreds of historical images in churches, writings and references, and even Ministries with that as the name...) the verse still says wolf at this time. :(

🙏🏻Christ Following 👑Daughter of the King 🎨 Artist 🇺🇸Trump Supporter 🐸 Creek walker👩🏻🦳 Gramma 🌎Global Earther 😘#saveourchildren
I hope not. Consider an artist designing a logo with the chicken theme. I hope not. 😢

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! Casualty of the twatter purge (7 accounts gone) WWG1WGA ❤️✝️❤️🇺🇸🙏🍊
I’m sure there is a double meaning here, but Chick-fil-A was in a mall in Bham in tge 1970s. It was soelled with a “ck”. Maybe it changed between then and now and went back to original?