Jul 08, 2019 9:07:51 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 3a5b2b No. 6958634
Jul 08, 2019 9:06:33 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 3eda36 No. 6958589
Jul 08, 2019 9:05:13 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 3a5b2b No. 6958560
Sessions began the Epstein investigation. When that is revealed those who doubted may see the light.
The wheels of Justice turn slow but when they turn they are powerful.
10x speed now underway.
We are back online (Pelosi attempted block).
Trust Sessions.png
Sometimes you need to 'take one for the team publicly' before you are vindicated as a hero.

Taking one for the team is one thing but the good side needs to do a better job on protecting those who do come forward ( whistle blowers etc.) there needs to be more than just focusing on the plan, ignoring casualties makes us no better than them... just my opinion.