Replying to@Metalmasiah,@damonkoch, and 8 more
It looks like I'm just gonna have to spill some beans so you can quit whining, and TRYING SO HARD TO MAKE A POINT.
Flynn is a patriot. I know. You don't.
Trump did not lose. It only APPEARS that he lost. He is still the C-I-C. The military caught the fraud in real time. When Biden took the oath, that sealed the deal on CRIMES CALLED TREASON AND INSURRECTION.
Watch 54:00 to 59:00 to understand what I'm telling you.
I'm not going to stay up to all hours tonight so THINK.

Ep. 2690b - MSM Is Dead, Failure To Control, The Tide Has Turned, Ready Offensive
Prepare Today $50 OFF 4-WEEK KIT My Patriot Supply http://preparewithx22.com The [DS] is trapped in everything they were trying to do to Trump. It has all turned on them and the people are awake. The
https://rumble.com/vtrb45-ep.-2690b-msm-is-dead-failure-to-control-the-tide-has-turned-ready-offensiv.htmlThis isn't about 2022 or 2024 Fix 2020 or Fuck Off..