Meanwhile in#ATLANTA at CNN HQ, anti-#Myanmar coup block is out.
Some one special to some. @surdog007 (tw) @godrus on truth social telegr
Another day, another [fake] protest for#SorosShills.
Kinda like those sign-wavers standing on corners - human billboards?
My bet is paid protestors.
Who knew! CNN stil exists and still owns a building. For now..
How much is CNN paying them? 🤣🤣🤣😂
english not so good
"we against military coup"
Daniel Coup was Smartmatic machines ElectionFraud in November-military not coup
Eight generations fighting for freedom from the American Revolution to today. Scot/Huguenot so feisty on both sides. Patriot all the way.
We support you from USA... freedom! Religious, civil and financial freedom. We stand with freedom for the world.
Well since Coup took place in November with Smartmstic machines ElectionsFraud and there was recent military action, WHICH are dumb bunnies protesting??