The moon seen from the ArctiCircle between Russia and Canada, it only lasts a few seconds, but it's worth seeing. It's a spectacular sight - and in real time! Imagine that you are in a place between Canada and
Russia and that, suddenly and for just 30 seconds, the moon appears in all its splendour and disappears before your eyes. Looks like the moon is going to collide with the earth. But even more impressive, and
for just 5 seconds, a total eclipse of the sun takes place right after. It's unprecedented and spectacular! The video was shot in real time. This phenomenon happens at the perigee point of a star's orbit around the Earth, where the proximity of the Moon is so
evident that, suddenly, we realize the great speed at which the Earth is moving.
I do not know if this is fake or not, but I have a memory as a little girl of skating at an outdoor rink and the moon on the horizon was massive and a brilliant orange/yellow. It was a full moon. I've never seen anything like it since. I think you need a view of an unobstructed horizon, which we had back then. Now, there is more light pollution, houses, trees...