I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
YES! 'SOL"OMON'S TEMPLE is Also a Metaphor that is Designed to Help People Experience their Bodies as a Temple in which the Universal Spirit of Love and Light Dwells. "SOL" Refers to the Sun/Solar Consciousness.
We are Bioplasmic "MAN" (I)-FESTATIONS of the Watery, "Liquid Light" of the Aetheric Quantum Source Field.
The Sacred Anatomy of the Human Body is the Outer Temple and the Human Heart is the Innermost Chamber--the Holy of Holies--where the Spirit of the Living God Silently Dwells, Patiently Awaiting the Moment when We become Aware of Our Innate Connection to this Spirit Within Ourselves and Learn to Behold and Celebrate It's PRESENCE in One Another.
HOLY OF HOLIES, By Paul Wilbur