A New Creation, Conspiracy Realist, ICU/ER RN. Are U grafted in the Tree of Life or still part of the tree of the Knowledge of GOOD & evil?
That reductionistic attitude hardly helps.
As Woody Allen joked wrt LIFE:
"2 elderly women were dining together @ a resort in the Catskills.
The 1st leaned forward & said,
"You KNOW,
the FOOD here REALLY isn't very GOOD..."
The 2nd nodded, finished chewing her bite,
& answered,
AND, the PORTIONS here,
they are SO small!"
Psychologists & others have studied the heck out of MDs & MANY traits 1 & 2 decades p graduation: BELL CURVE DISTRIBUTION, folks. JUST LIKE auto mechanics, etc.
I started Med School in 1974 w/ a glut of HUMANITIES majors out#'ing Science Majors. They STRUGGLED, formed a NOTE CO-OP, insisted profs MUST write TESTS only from material IN THE NOTES (!) This was UT (herd mentality).WAY too MANY wanted OBGYN.
GREED used to be a motive, that its the U's job to screen for, as well as SOCIOPATHY, other severe mental illness, BUT I doubt they're DOING it: GATE-KEEPING is @ that phase: it shouldâbe political.
Once in, whatever skils R rewa