The brainwashing is trauma based and that is the whole earth😑🧐
what does that mean for the deprogramming/ healing?
We can go by a individuals jouney out of it all?
How implement this world wide?
I gather, there must and will be more pain
,for without it,one can not heal
one gets stuck in a victim based mentality and can stagnate or even regress
What they]]] plan for is this, regression of the individual,say a pill will help
The brainwashing and programming is now enhanced with pharmacolgical methods
I have seen it happen for 23 years of my life in cps
Many persons have been lost to this way of keeping the (-) grid inplace
Solution is love
If you cant cultivate it where you are, flee
God will take you home,for now or forever home in turn
Send love to evil, say they know not what they do even when they do
All species needs they're evolution,lets help💕