The Jim Carey working BTS w/ the alliance movie for Biden.. An awakened starseed...Those that see him as mean-Trump hating minion, more than likely that was his on the loose clone by the cabal, to spread dark agenda. There have been many doubles in the H-wood scene, and the p3do-vampires that surfaced or vrilled, are the ones who were hunted by the alliance. Why 45 kept saying he's caught them, for the safety measures on the surface,speacially to safe the kids from these adreno hunters...⚡⚖️
#NoVrilledDracoCanSpeakOfLightWIsdomLikeJim#ActivatedByFrontlineBlueRayOraphimsBTSForTheBattle#OneJustHaveToResonateWithMsgOfLightNotMessenger#MessageOverMessenger 💡