i solemnly swear and affirm
i do not consent to be governed.
i do not consent to any regulations regarding my health, education, speech, travel, arms, property ownership, business, spirituality.
i do not consent to any taxes.
i do not respect any person or group or organization claiming to have power over any aspect of my life.
i do not respect or contract with any court to mitigate, arbitrate, or otherwise interfere with my sovereign life.
i affirm that the western medical, lobbying, politics, media, public education, public corporation, banks, and markets are criminal powers and principalities to be dissolved.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of my divine individual sovereignty. it signifies that no man has authority over me for anything. i will fearlessly and mortally defend all my birthright freedoms. my divine right comes from direct connection to God. with unconditional love for all. This love includes justice and karma where needed. an

You seem to believe in God, would you not be better off pledging allegiance to God and encouraging other to pledge their allegiance to God instead of to the false idol of sovereignty.

Not in my truth. God/Creative Source is all powerful and does not want us to fear or subjugate ourselves in any way. That is religion. Religion is not good in my opinion. God does not ever promote fear, shame, vengeance, anger or servitude. That is Vatican that does that. I know your truth is different and I respect your journey but not for me.
God speaks to me through intuition. I do not need or want a middleman church. God has never asked me to fear or serve God. God has always asked me to do my best and learn as I go. God makes it very clear that he respecyt6s freewill and holds no judgment.
Doing something because your intentions are good and driven by love is the highest level of existence.
Doing something because you fear or serve another is never good.

God alone merits and is worthy of allegiance.
We are fractals of God. God is awesome but needs nothing. Every being deserves unconditional love. Every being is pure light when their frequency is not corrupted by the darkness.