6-24-22 is the 4 year Delta of [R] post
6-2-09 Congress passed 16th Amendment
establishing Congress’ ‘right’ to impose a Federal Income Tax
The IRS is a Private Collections Co.
The Federal Reserve was a Private company
owned by deep state bloodline bankers.
“6-4-64 President Kennedy signed
Executive Order 11110
which gave him the legal authority
to create interest & debt free money.
It was what Lincoln had done with his Greenbacks.
Kennedy had these notes printed IGNORING
the Federal Reserve notes from the private banks.
The day after Kennedy was killed,
as payback to those behind the assassination,
Lyndon Johnson revoked that non-central-bank money.”
12-24-63 77 U.S. Generals came together
& The Plan To Save The World was born.
6-4-24 5-Planets lined up in the sky
& Roe vs Wade was overturned
6/24/22 = 6/6/6
We are restoring all numbers back to God
I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
RESTORING ALL NUMBERS BACK TO GOD Based on the Sacred Geometry of Light and ;the Creation/Recreation on an Individual and Planetary Basis of the Christed Light Body.
God, in Sacred Geometry is Number 1, The Vertical Axis within the Hoop, the Sacred Circle, the Zero Point; God is the Universal 1/"I" and Our Individual "I"s/Identities are HoloFractal (Whole-in-the-Part/Part-in-the Whole), Microcosmic Embodiments of the Universal Macrocosm.