🔴 Who owns the world ❓❓
The term "plandemic" is used instead of pandemic so that everyone understands that the pandemic was planned.
"They" are the levers and hands, the artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithmic tools of some extremely powerful financial corporations whose names are now familiar to almost everyone -#Blackrock,#Vanguard and#StateStreet - are everywhere.
So every country in the world, every government, does what it wants. Every exception has been "neutralized."
Wem gehört die Welt? – Dirty World
Was bedeutet es, "die Welt zu besitzen"? Kann irgendjemand, selbst die reichste Person oder die reichste Institution - reich im Sinne von viel, viel Geld - die Welt besitzen? von Peter Koenig Das würde bedeuten, die Natur in ihrer ganzen unendlichen Vielfalt zu "besitzen", Pflanz..