Nothing special to note, except for our strong defense of freedom and life
Eighty percent of those DYING from “covid” in Canada are fully jabbed
Eighty percent of those DYING from “covid” in Canada are fully jabbed – NaturalNews.com
Four out of every five new deaths being blamed on the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) in Canada are occurring in people who took all of the "vaccine" injections as demanded by the Justin Trudeau regime. The government of Canada has confirmed that 80 percent of "covid" deaths are
https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-18-deaths-covid-canada-fully-vaccinated.htmlAt my sons employment every person that was jabbed has been sick a few times, my son is the only one who has not been & has been fine the entire time, however I do give him a vitamin cocktail for his immune system... 😉