As if we needed more Scamdemic confirmation-
I was FlyAnon on Twitter and Gab... Supports Trump, Transparency, Q, Rule of Law and Disclosure of Crime in Government.
Why Would Trump be called a War Time President?
United States
Continuity of Operations Plan Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs) are draft classified executive orders, proclamations, and messages to Congress that are prepared for the President of the United States to exercise or expand powers in anticipation of a range of emergency hypothetical worst-case scenarios, so that they are ready to sign and put into effect the moment one of those scenarios comes to pass.
Love GOD who is all TRUTH, all GOODNESS, and all BEAUTY. pro-life, Trump loving creative. Tired of all the deception and evil.
They vaccinated those who would take it to continue to cull the herd and to sterilize as many as they could. Depopulation was always the goat.
Renaissance Creative Soul. Spiritual Warrior for Yahweh (GOD). Shine a light in the darkness.
Good to hear, though he still has a lot more to learn that there are NO "viruses" every purified correctly and isolated Koch Postulates...all studies that say so -so far, are flawed-bad/pseudoscience.