I solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution against all threats foreign and domestic ~ so help me God. 🇺🇸🦅 #WWG1WGA

Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils
ivermectin i think same class of drugs as fenbendazole, and widely used for horses and dogs, a nefarious purpose to keep from people, cause we “useless eaters” might get healthier, and not need the dibilitating poisonous big pharma chemo, cause the parasitic drugs might cure cancer♥️
You are right.
It is overwhelming to think that future generations will have CURES for all diseases.
And we are alive at this time to witness 🙏🏻

Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils
yes kind of an honor to be a part of what is happening now, guess we chose that even if i dont remember♥️