Last thing on earth anyone should do is to follow me. We're all on our own Hero's Journey. I like to read what other's may know.
For the real eyeopener Google any name of a dewormer or anti-parasitic drug (old or new or ones your dog, cat or farm animals are taking) and the word - cancer. Up pops research study one after another of the success it has in stopping all kinds of cancer in the trials. Sort of leading one to give credence to the theory that cancer is caused by parasites. Since Americans no longer regularly deworm since the 50’s ie pinworms/roundworms- cancer rates have skyrocketed. What a coincidence!
Discernment is critical.
WOW - good point!
I remember when pork was a no no due to Trichinosis, parsitic worms traveled up the "hoof" through surrounding tissue into the pigs blood stream ... then, here on AU saw a video of a piece of pork, raw, heated under a light and guess what appeared?
I never eat Pork.
I love you all and I love President Trump #wwg1wga 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Discernment is critical.
That is so disgusting ... never never never eat PORK
If you've read Leviticus, it goes through in detail what you should eat and NOT eat, by the description of the animals, scales, split hooves etc.
THERE IS A REASON its in the Bible!
Its your manual to survive.
pork is delicious just gotta make sure its cooked to the right temp........the bible is nuts
Discernment is critical.
clearly you are entitled to you own opinion, as am I
i think shellfish is a no no in the bible too
Discernment is critical.
I believe so, not really sure ... its been a while since I read it
Interesting ... although I believe the Bible has been edited so much we must use practical common sense in remaining healthy.
I do believe the validity of what we say can be more important than what we eat ... speaking from the heart is always important.
Did you see this comment?
"Johnny D. Hinton May 3, 2016 at 9:30 am
The NASB and many other translations are unjustified to claim that Jesus “declared all foods clean”. It is not supported in the Greek text. It requires adding words. It is contrary to the issue in the context — eating bread with unwashed (ceremonially unclean) hands. This has absolutely nothing to do with the OT Laws on which flesh was permissible or forbidden to eat."