All AU Family, I am asking you all to share Shadie Chian Thomas's poster again. She still has not been found. She disappeared on 5/06.
The circumstances are very red flag for me. Both of her Aunts are trying to spread awareness along with Missing Person Awareness network. Her Aunt Ida had custody of her & her brothers and when Shadie was about 21 she moved back to her mom & stepdads. She is 26, but as the mental function of about 12-14.
Her mom is giving me very bad body language vibes, and something is very off. She says Shadie put a cooler against the backyard fence and just disappeared. Her mother did not report her missing and a friend name Taylor reported her missing 5/15. There have been no searches of any kind done. Missing Person Awareness traveled to the mothers house to interview her in Clay City, Illinois. I will post the videos below and I know you all will see the red flags too.
It is not in her character to take off.
Videos will be posted in the comments. Thank yo
additional note, she has sky blue eyes and these pictures the neighbor said looks nothing like her now. These 3 pictures are the only photos anyone can come up with. Also mother keeps referring to her in past tense.