All AU Family, I am asking you all to share Shadie Chian Thomas's poster again. She still has not been found. She disappeared on 5/06.
The circumstances are very red flag for me. Both of her Aunts are trying to spread awareness along with Missing Person Awareness network. Her Aunt Ida had custody of her & her brothers and when Shadie was about 21 she moved back to her mom & stepdads. She is 26, but as the mental function of about 12-14.
Her mom is giving me very bad body language vibes, and something is very off. She says Shadie put a cooler against the backyard fence and just disappeared. Her mother did not report her missing and a friend name Taylor reported her missing 5/15. There have been no searches of any kind done. Missing Person Awareness traveled to the mothers house to interview her in Clay City, Illinois. I will post the videos below and I know you all will see the red flags too.
It is not in her character to take off.
Videos will be posted in the comments. Thank yo
PART 3- Shadie Thomas
SHADIE THOMAS... - Missing Person Awareness Network NFP