black death group made 15 mil selling people to arb countries
Šťavnaté FOTO modelky, ktorú uniesol kupliarsky gang: Drsná spoveď o zajatí, toto ju zachránilo |
LONDÝN - Britská modelka včera prehovorila o svojom strašnom utrpení v rukách gangu, ktorý sa jej vyhrážal dražobou na internete. Mala ... does not look like the body of a 20 yo
Mom, Granny, # Christian and #RedPilled for years . #GodBlessPresidentTrump #TheBestIsYetToCome
She was apparently 18 when kidnapped and photographed, and 20 when rescued.
oh, thank you!! The article I read said she was 20 at the time of the incident.
At any's horrible 💔
could be shes very fit.....she worksout look at her deltoids
I should have been more specific. The legs looked like a little girls.