I think about the future a lot.
I focus on med beds and new tech... but I also see cities that blend with the green spaces into beautiful glittering landscapes.
Tell me the things you see.
Where do you see us going in a positive future?
What hopes do you have for humanity?
What job would you want?
Lets build on each other's ideas.
Play along, it won't take long.
I see myself sitting on a tree stump at a community bonfire with a grandchild on my lap. The scent of the fire and the burning wood are so pleasant. There is vibing live music and lots of dancing, young and old, together!
I see crystal and white buildings that are the new hospitals. I see kind doctors and nurses dressed in white clothing but not white coats, tending to the patients, and they use bed beds, sound frequency, and herbs. My son is one of these doctors dressed in white.
I see lots more babies and bigger families.
I see myself and my husband and our grown children and their children (who are not yet born) living in homes built around a central courtyard. The children all play together there. Many families choose to live in family communities like this. Our courtyard has symbols on it. A beautiful green forest, with dirt paths and streams, is close by. We have alot of time. We take naps together. No one has to work very hard. Life is peaceful and good.