BlueRay/Sisterhood 🌹/Lyran GK; COBRA Ops Team to rtn GAIA to 5D+ Heaven on Earth Hz; Clocked in 250k+ mi of travel (‘18-‘23); WINNING
Top Gun 2 after 36 yrs in between (another Q movie, connect the dots) released TODAY, finally...I was trying to put together what was the key event that occurred in '86. The only thing that I can link was that same yr was the 1st hint of Tiffany color on the AF1 (for 35 BTS) & as well as the yr both 35/45 may have been traveling w/ the Q team BTS (Majestic Team-walking amongst us, like Thor-Venus alliance) to get other alliances to form,prior to these events in 1999-2000 ENDGAME timeline. And this part 2 is another clue that we are close to being done, and usually when Q movie is released w/in a timeline frame, BTS it's unfolding, as other Q movies. Since it's linked to 35:45, perhaps we really are close to seeing the two come back as THE FORCE Leaders, BTS since the 80s, as the 1st contact team making contact w/ the swamp-minions to surrender &/or form an alliance w/ the Light forces against the dracos-archons-Nazis etc. #TimeTravelingDuoGuardians
The Q-uestion is who are they in the real life battle BTS...both Captains...✨ #ForThoseWhoKnowsKnow