This is a screenshot from MSN, read the caption below the pic carefully. This makes NO SENSE, if a LEO was able to see her shielding students, WHY didn't he rush in, and take the shooter down, as he should have been trained to do??!🤔 What LEO would just WATCH as a teacher shielded her students from a crazed gunman??!!
I'd like to know exactly HOW he witnessed this!! Was he watching from outside the school, looking through the window of the classroom? If so, even I could have taken the shooter down from a classroom window!!
They're slipping up. Making ALL sorts of mistakes now.
These people really think we're stupid....

🙏🏻Christ Following 👑Daughter of the King 🎨 Artist 🇺🇸Trump Supporter 🐸 Creek walker👩🏻🦳 Gramma 🌎Global Earther 😘#saveourchildren

Prayer Warrior, Grammy, Q & the Word of God! 🇺🇸Donald J Trump is STILL the President!!🇺🇸 #MAGA #MIGA #JerusalemUndivided
I’ve been looking for that picture all day LOL! I saw it late last night and couldnt remember WHERE I saw it🤪 THANK YOU so much for posting😄🙏❤️