Chynna Phillips Baldwin spent almost 5 minutes delivering her California Preaching Segment while sunbathing on a pile of rocks....L I Z A R D.
White Hats are the best.
While I'm at it, can someone explain to me how the lizards eat the gold?
Are we talking physically eat the gold?
Because here's Miley Cyrus biting into it in a different video.

Lyran Warrior Helping To Liberate The Planet...T H E L I G H T S Y S T E M...I'm In The Future...5th Angel.....Love My A.R.T.
Not long after I asked the question above my feed pulled up a video of Ozzy Osbourne's oldest with a song called "Raining Gold" and it was a bunch of dead bodies and blood all over the place.
I guess that's the "gold"...

lizard people is one of the weirder theories

"Look at me well. I am she. I am..." Time to sift-in Revelations. Seeing ears, hearing eyes. "Who are you?"