🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
Ideally we have a national currency which is used exclusively as a unit of exchange for good and/or services in the US ONLY. Cross-border transactions should be executed via an intermediary currency (I'd expect Cryptos to become a real thing) with exchange rates actually moving on the basis of supply/demand for currency as opposed to being managed by central banks via institutional banks, etc. Managing the money supply within the US then becomes an act of balancing supply/demand for goods and labor - to the extent more is sourced within the US the better.
With respect to the NESARA/GESARA I'd guess this is unlikely to be implemented in full - especially the debt forgiveness part. There are legitimate institutions who provided goods/services in exchange for your promise to pay a lender; however, the concept of personal bankruptcy can probably be adjusted to work better for the people. Tax reform I think is the area where we'd most likely see traction. When combined with more stringent management of cost of government, the US could move to a consumption tax without disrupting status as global humanitarian.
Thank you for the thoughtful response. Central banks are on life support and will not survive. Fed merged w/ the Treasury- we're on the right track.
And good riddance to central banking. The biggest, least understood criminal enterprise of the last several centuries. A close second? Markets for financial securities (paper ones, in particular).