Love My President Donald J. Trump Love My Country 1776 U.S.A. Republic LOVE MY GOD !!! BTW I identify as a ... LIGHT SUPREMACIST 🕆🛐🕆
Hold Your Water Folks ...
This is a ...
what you got was ... she ok'd it
what really happened was she dreamed it up ... arranged to make it happen AND PAID FOR IT TO HAPPEN ...
ULTRA-MAGA! Kicked off TWTR same day as DJT & and Gen Flynn. Badge of Honor! Kicked off 9th time & I'm now done ! Trump WILL be back.
They'll just press some button somewhere and blow the entire world up to keep this story down.
Discernment is critical.
Alrighty then, I need to get more popcorn, be right back!
Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy
And the MEDIA all knew it was a lie....I hope PDJT sues the pants off them all before they hang from our American made rope...the American people should file a lawsuit as well for the damage they have done.
𝓘𝐚𝓶𝕕ᒏ𝐚𝛈𝐠𝐠𝛉 From the Bayou System of Texas I am. From wise Simian race, we come. Like Water be. Dark knowledge we seek. #WWG1WGA
oh no Robbie Mook...
do not answer that door.... thats not the pizza you ordered
Jesus is my Savior 🙏🏼 Trump is my President 🇺🇸#Fix2020orBust💥 #SaveAmerica🇺🇸#Savethechildren❤️
𝓘𝐚𝓶𝕕ᒏ𝐚𝛈𝐠𝐠𝛉 From the Bayou System of Texas I am. From wise Simian race, we come. Like Water be. Dark knowledge we seek. #WWG1WGA
.... Sha-ka-la-Kah comes after