why is breast milk such a problem now? and have people forgotten that 'weaning' means no more need for milk? ... 🤔 asking for a friend.
Breast milk may be a serious problem for the vaccinated. Maybe one of the ways the vaccine is a bioweapon against the people who trust them. However they claim that it isn't safe to make your own formula with recipes that were in common use before they switched everyone for their "convenience". Also with baby cereal, diluted baby food/pureed food, juice and with regular milk for older babies there is no excuse for babies to starve in america.
An Injustice Anywhere = Injustice Everywhere. Vegan, Respect & Protect ALL Innocent Beings. Spiritual, NOT Religious #TheGreatAwakening
Thank you for your reply🙏.
You make a very good point about 'The' Injection's. I forgot about them😳, me not having had anything to do with it all that.
As for 'they' say this and they say that, I've never taken much notice of that, it really depends on Who the 'they' are🤨.
Here in the UK, birth & babies is a lot more 'Natural' then in the US. My daughter is a Midwife, had 5 children (all vegan) and she specialized in assisting mothers to breast feed, she now teaches/lectures midwifery. So it is all still very doable without cows milk, and we've always made our own baby foods too😋.