BlueRay/Sisterhood 🌹/Lyran GK; COBRA Ops Team to rtn GAIA to 5D+ Heaven on Earth Hz; Clocked in 250k+ mi of travel (‘18-‘23); WINNING
I have studied old calendars at museums, they have 364 days only! One day is not marked! 13 x 28 days. Let's make calendar great again. ❤️
Wirelessly forever recharging battery.😊 The technology exists. Infrared radiation is present everywhere and can charge batteries made of specific metals. Even ordinary batteries can be partially recharged by placing them in warm place, like near a radiator, but not too hot to damage them.
Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Connected rechargeable twelve volt=324
Everything happens for a reason
Jesus is our Ace up our sleeve
The route and the offspring of David
People will need time to believe it
Do not worry about anything
Exit the matrix to reality
Lord Jesus Christ I love you
Lifted to heaven but Jesus Christ
BlueRay/Sisterhood 🌹/Lyran GK; COBRA Ops Team to rtn GAIA to 5D+ Heaven on Earth Hz; Clocked in 250k+ mi of travel (‘18-‘23); WINNING
Another confirmation for the work BTS....Launch = Gridwork by the Grd crew on the move/GK BTS completing GAIA's system restoration/activation -> Starlinks ✨ 😇 #PuzzleComingTogether
BlueRay/Sisterhood 🌹/Lyran GK; COBRA Ops Team to rtn GAIA to 5D+ Heaven on Earth Hz; Clocked in 250k+ mi of travel (‘18-‘23); WINNING
BlueRay/Sisterhood 🌹/Lyran GK; COBRA Ops Team to rtn GAIA to 5D+ Heaven on Earth Hz; Clocked in 250k+ mi of travel (‘18-‘23); WINNING
This the TS verified acct w/c Devin N said there's big news coming from this acct soon.✨
GOD'S Speed!!
BlueRay/Sisterhood 🌹/Lyran GK; COBRA Ops Team to rtn GAIA to 5D+ Heaven on Earth Hz; Clocked in 250k+ mi of travel (‘18-‘23); WINNING
👀 Just now realized the pic on this battery, w/ the blue like antenna for Blue ray work w/ the green letter for connected, as in for Mother Earth's Hz (Green=Healing Hz). As always, 45/Q+ (IlDonaldo acct) will always drop hints of the work BTS by the team. 💙⚡💚#WinningBlueRayGKWorkBTS ✨