Of course! You are about to feel just a sting of the arrows that were shot at our great president DJT for 6 years now...Wear them as a badge of honor...Like Jesus used to say they are persecuting you because of me...You are being persecuted because you have sided with Trump (directly or indirectly) You are on the side of Good...You are standing up for mankind...For freedom of speech...For the Chattel! You will be labeled as white supremist, possibly even a Nazi. a misogynist, a racist, a womanizer, a sexist, a mean tweeter and anti LGBTQWTZXVNHG...Don't be surprised if a hooker comes forward that will tell everyone about the outrageous pee parties you have had...They will pay someone to discredit you...They are ruthless...Keep the faith...If you are genuinely for We the People then we are on your side...They are not just attacking you...They are attacking us!