#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

Earth is not flat! It's a Psy Op. Read the book from Olaf Jansen! He explains on his death bed where he was for 2 years. Inner Earth aka Argatha is more like it. He experienced what is 300 miles under our feet! Wole cities, covered with Gold, commonly used for their buildings. Flora and Fauna is giant in comparison to us! Seemingly connected to the high electrical charged atmosphere (Ions)? After reading his story it resonated quite deeply, something about it feels right for the first time ever... Flat Earth, Sphere Earth, more like TORUS Earth with a hole entrance at the North Pole!

Excommunicated explorer examining experienced existence; extrapolating exhibited expectations.
Truth isn't just what one feels. Although there is a personal element in using one's discernment and intuition, one must still seek the truth and take in objective information and observations and go where real evidence leads.
If dismissing parts of the bible because it doesn't "resonate," then what else is one dismissing, and what is one basing objective truth on other than subjective claims of man, and how does one know that that's reliable? Basing one's "truth" on subjective reasoning rather than objective observations and physical evidence is what leads us into where we're at now in society where everybody essentially just makes up their own "truth."
Just something to think about.
The propaganda that has been pushed on us since at least I was in high school in the 70s. The lies - Truth is relative, God is dead, Me first, do your own thing, make love- with whoever you want.....ugh. The Word of God is so precious and important to me. Without His truth to get us through this life and trust his gift of Jesus for salvation we would all be baby eaters.

Excommunicated explorer examining experienced existence; extrapolating exhibited expectations.
For a lot of people the "truth" is based on whatever philosopher/philosophy they're currently in to. I did that myself when I was still trying to figure things out after high school, and realizing that that was basically the source of everybody coming up with their own subjective "truth" and you can have your own "truth" and he can have his own "truth" but somehow we're all in agreement that we have different "truths" which is basically just admitting that we each accept different lies that we happen to like w/o ever escaping the idea of philosophies altogether and instead seeking hard evidence and objective truth.
And if one isn't going by the Bible, then essentially one is just making up one's own God with zero regard of any objective Truth.

🙏🏻Christ Following 👑Daughter of the King 🎨 Artist 🇺🇸Trump Supporter 🐸 Creek walker👩🏻🦳 Gramma 🌎Global Earther 😘#saveourchildren