
In response TrQth PQtriQt17~Z to her Publication

What happens when clowns get looking glass techhnology?

every lie will be revealed !


We should stop calling him a prophet seeing as though he wanted to marry a tranny 🤣

I hear its a circus in Wisconsin !

In response Shareef Twal to his Publication

hmmm the truth… would be amazing. so many different versions from so many ppl. 🤡

In response TrQth PQtriQt17~Z to her Publication

ive caught him copying Serah’s and my posts.

i followed him for a few months last year after i caught him spying on my page.

He knows exactly who i am. You should ask him if he ever answers one of your comments.

I have read, connected the dots, and concluded this is a ⭐️⭐️⭐️ intelligence operation.

i still pray for him. i dont want anyone to go to hell.

idk 🤷‍♀️ i dont rank high enough to be in the club i guess nor deserve the truth apparently. you all can have your tit for tat on who is who and Ill focus on God.

In response Shareef Twal to his Publication

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In response TrQth PQtriQt17~Z to her Publication

Im not in any clubs myself.

Its good to keep your eyes open.

Discernment is a gift from God and We must pray without ending for it in this spiritual battle of wickedness we are in.

Do not close your eyes to deceit, for its the snake you take in, the one that lies, that bites you.

Beware "the enemy within" - POTUS

God bless TrQth PQtriQt17

In response Shareef Twal to his Publication

This nation does not belong to them. It belongs to you !

In response Shareef Twal to his Publication

my observation - its all the same. youre all the same. games are fun until youve got amnesia and someone else has the key and youre forced to see things that almost kill you. I can only dig so deep but im pretty observant and can connect some dots. AAMichael.VK.Shareef.+1… AAFaith.Esther.Serah. its amazing how some have reincarnated as more than 1. Biblical. i wish someone would speak more of the biblical times we are in. i know all about the devil. he lives in my house in the form of a narcissist alcoholic. ive taken a bite of some pretty bitter apples and deceit of the snake bite seems to linger.. satan wants me and he wants me bad. i choose to evolve even while blindfolded hog tied and locked in the attic.
🇺🇸correct… it belongs to ALL of us. and its time for to take it back.

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