Anon family...I would like some feedback regarding the upcoming republican senate election in PA. When Dr Oz announced he was running I rolled my eyes and thought, not another rino. Then, our fearless leader DJT endorsed him. I know not everyone is perfect (like oz) and I trust our POTUS. After watching the debate, Dr Oz had the best performance and I feel like he has the best chance of winning. There doesn’t seem to be any other good choices. What are you’re thoughts?

Well, after praying about it I voted for Oz in the primary. I feel my decision has been confirmed that it was the correct one with what has transpired with this election. It is obvious that the deep state is terrified of Oz winning and they are still trying to find votes to give McCormick the win. Republican or democrat, it doesn’t matter. They use the same tactics and will keep doing it until the stolen 2020 election is fixed and the people behind the fraud are held accountable.