WEIRD< okay I smoke, yeah not good, for sure. BUT I started using tar blocker tips, and it is SO cool because it has drastically cut my smoking down in the last few days, and my friend is using them. ALSO DISGUSTING how much tar is in each one. You can see it in the tips, HERE is what I was thinking, says it pulls out most chemicals....SO maybe the chemicals also is what causes folks too smoke so much more. Freaking interesting. Maybe just maybe I will end up whipping this habit.
I smoke American Spirits and have for many years. American Spirits last much longer and I don't go over 5 a day. I keep pretty busy and always have, so that really helps.
Yeah I work all day and still manage too consume a lot. NOT as many now. Ty.
I'm not even going to try and quit at this point in my life. I'm not a heavy smoker, I walk over 10 miles a day at work, get plenty of rest and exercise. I'd be lying if I said I wanted to quit. Lol
Even these tips would fit on them, but still looking for like a hemp kind, etc. BUT no denying all the tar that it leaches. And less of an urge, I didn't even intentionally smoke less.