Purged at 9000 on Twitter. Will not take no shit. WWG1WGA Fight Like Flynn #SaveOurChildren
Nope not damn thing can stop what's coming.

Its time!

ANdON ANdON We Go ~The Best Is Yet To Come ~ Family Is Everything ~ Mind/Body/Spirit Health
More than just a catch phrase#NCSWIC

God bless America. God bless President Trump. God bless all of his legal teams. Navy vet ssbm 600, 611. 9yrs usaf reserves, desert storm vet
the children are the worlds future, and mankinds only hope.

Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Are we there .......YET?

Still waiting for we can't start what is coming.

ouiiii 😎RIEN ✊

Luv my country 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Luv my freedom 🇺🇸🇺🇸fighter for truth!! Wide awake!! 🙏In God We Trust🙏
I just wish people would wake up! My family and friends still wear masks and believe China Joe is President ... ugh

It is hard and only a shock can do it. But telling them to not be afraid when they are has never worked.
As a kid i was afraid of peppers because of the name, but i didn't know green peppers was not hot. No amount of convncing would work even when your might Dad told you so.
So when i was not looking he stuck some in my mouth and i freaked out. And all he kept saying was is it buring is it burning..Finally i realized it was not burning and then i learned.
You can only force things on others when you have complete control over said thing. He knew that pepper was not hot because he grew

People lament that others won't "wake up." But waking up is a process. We all had to dig and dig. We can't blame others just because they don't have that desire. You know who we should blame for this? Trump and the patriots. They could INSTANTANEOUSLY wake up the multitudes. How? Easy. Just do the things we all want them to do: EBS, arrests, tribunals.
Done in 30? It would be done in about 2 or 3 days of evidence blasting over the airwaves non-stop. Only Trump/the patriots/the military can do this. But they're not doing it. Can't blame the sleeping masses if nobody wakes them.