All you doubting lightweight cry babies go back to Twitter. We need soldiers that are ready and willing to hold the line to the very end. This isn't the end. The movie is still playing. When the movie ends you see the credits. The actors. The full understanding of the plot twists. Until then trust the plan.

Aussie Mum who wants Humanity to live in Peace ,Love and Freedom that God intended.Lets bring down this Cabal Debt, Enslavement System.
Ive seen more than usual lately,I cant be bothered even replying to them..Im not wasting my time on negativity. we are way past debating cynics..

Wife for 20 years, mom of 3, Nana to 1 - crafter of all things paper! WWG1WGA, Patriot, America Lover! Kicked off FB AND Twitter in 4 days!
i have no idea who you are..... I will trust, and when all is said and done...... where can I help with the kids?

Proud Patriot, Military brat, Trump is my President and my governor is an IDIOT.

I Support the Greatest President, Ever! Love Our First Lady! Patriot! Nana of 2. Huge Volbeat fan! All things 'Q' WWG1WGA
trust the Military

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world...

I will NEVER turn my back on President Trump, his allies and The Military. I love you all Patriots. WWG1WGA worldwide!
well said!!

i'm still suspended... don't know why...i've tried several times to create a new account, i can't ge through

#WWG1WGA #Trump #Kennedy's #Q #Anons #JFK Fans 🙏🐸
Will try to get the account of my daughter im out of accounts.

I'm a conservative christian lady. I love God, family, dogs(sometimes cats), Trump and USA. I'm a member of the Patriot Party. #WWG1WGA
Hold the line and keep you eyes on God and Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Stay on the path God set before you and don't turn to the left or right. You were born for such a time as this. Chin up Patriots God is in control. He always was.

Proud Patriot, Military brat, Trump is my President and my governor is an IDIOT.

"Seek wisdom, not knowledge, knowledge is of the past, wisdom is of the future." - Proud California Trump supporter ... 🔥
Im doing my part fo sho ! This is a huge thing that is happening . people forget that this is dangerous and public safety dictates alot of the timelines. The bad guys are most dangerous when cornered ! it will happen when it happens when God says so !! until then, we wake people up as best ss we can ! WWG1WGA

Encourging! Thank you

For God and Country WWG1WGA !! Trump is and will always be my President ! ThankQ #SaveTheChildren
AMEN AMEN and AMEN !!!! Hold The Line Patriots our Work is NOT Done Yet !!!

Holistic therapist, reikimaster and coach, mother of 2 boys, #thegreatawakening #saveourchildren #WWG1WGA #LOVETRUMP #holdtheline #JFKjr
You're so right!#HoldTheLine#KeepFighting

I will Never Give Up! Trust the Plan #WWG1WGA #saveourchildren NO DIRECT MESSAGES!
I just had a da ja vu reading this ...humm

Wife for 20 years, mom of 3, Nana to 1 - crafter of all things paper! WWG1WGA, Patriot, America Lover! Kicked off FB AND Twitter in 4 days!
I have had a lot of that shyt the past week, let me tell you!

Use discernment when considering all information to form an educated decision. I share information, but no necessarily I agree with it.
willing to go back. just couldnt. as soon as create an acct, they suspend it right away.

Save our Children. Trust The Plan. Truth Social:

I Trust The Plan

go back to Twitter 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Holding the Line every day until the END!!! United we will win!!

Alabama gal raised in Tennessee worn out from spiritual warfare need reinforcements much rejection 💔Jesus, Rosie my dog r true friends ❤️
Standing strong For President Trump 💪🇱🇷❤️🦅

I am still waiting on arrests and convictions, and waiting, and waiting! In fact, I have been waiting for FOUR Years now, anyone else? I think that would be proof that there is not a TWO_TIER JUSTICE SYSTEM and America really does have law and order for all. If you think I exaggerate, let me know.

Here from the start, Trusting the Plan, dyslexic Anon 1IfBySea, We Love Q+, Q, Flynn, "R" Hero's & U! GOD & PATRIOTS WIN!
Willing to take a bullet for Donald Trump or die from the plan? Let's save our country Now, I'm in!

i thought it was WWG1WGA nothing wrong with the strong helping the ones struggling

#LoveGodFamilyCountry#Seekeroftruth#Patriot #Trumpster#Jr#Saveourchildren#saveourworld #WWG1WGA🐸🙏❤️🇱🇷🌎
It's not that ppl dont trust the plan, I always have. We ALL have bad days and if you have everyone around you thinking your crazy, who do you talk to on that bad day? All the digging and rabbit holes we've been down for years now, EVERYDAY, do you expect ppl to not be emotional? Cry for the things we have learned about our children? Angry? personally I feel better here because ppl with that knowledge are here. I've seen ppl on twitter having bad days. I've supported them because I get it. Many lives have been effected and its important that we be here for each other. Good or bad. God bless GE

A.K.A. 1Truthseeker2giveglory2-1God #JESUSSAVES#WWG1WGAWW #WRWY #Godwins #TakeTheOath#God1st#JFKJRISALIVE #DARK-TO-LIGHT
And remember
It is and always was Gods plan


Im disappointed by a lot of people's response as well, they are Not watching whats going on because if they were they would see a lot of things happening, maybe some people need to take a break & come back.... But I agree, Hold the Line !


I registered the 3rd time and I was not even active in my last acc., but they just blocked me. F... Twatter!