Enables the release of 6k patents
of suppressed technologies including Med Beds, Replicators,
free energy devices, antigravity
Holographic computers, Space wars—EVERYTHING
🇺🇸 Gene Decode
Tesla developed anti-gravitics
& they used it in a TR-3B
to go to Mars in 1903 & 1947.
We’re using fossil fuel, solar energy, windmills,
ridiculous stuff..
Don't have to have wires, strip-mining..
Tesla spoke against that in the 1890’s.
He thought it was a travesty to rig power lines all over Earth..
You can go faster than the speed of light.
The cabal are going to places
100 light years away in 1/2 an hour
& we’re traveling in an aluminum tin can at 600 mph..
The Gold they’re finding in the D.U.M.B.S.
is more than they thought existed x 100.
If that was disseminated throughout
& you made it monatomic
you could clean up the atmosphere in 1/2 an hour.

Still a little confused about Trump. Patton is his father sooooo was a Trump his mother? He looks so much like his uncle. Or is Patton a real brother of John Trump?? Confusing.

Only thing that sounds right to me is that General Patton really didn't die in the car crash and is John Trump.

😹 Your guesses are as good as mine.
Who is related to who?
Who is a what?
Man, women, CGI, actor, clone, body-double?
I'll never forget when I learned Michelle Obama
was actually Michael "Big Mike" LaVaughn Robinson.
Once I got over that shock
all bets were off as to who is a what!!
I can't WAIT for the credits to role in Q's movie 🍿

Hiker-Kayaker-Bicyclist-Paddleboarder (⊙﹏⊙✿) life➭the way I see it, posted here ☯︎_0️⃣social.creditz
re: (in the image) the thing about musk and the tesla trains : that's prolly why he is owner of boring machines, wouldn't you think? ppl need to stop tripping about his (sarcasm) big time connection to them.

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB
Trump Son of General Patton Bible Code By: #Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai
8th Iyyar, 5782 May 9, 2022 Shalom everyone, Thank you for visiting my channel! There is a myth going around in the Patriot movement that President Trump is the son of General Patton. 1) You can make
So many of us truly want to believe this. So many are battle weary I'm not on the front lines (but many are) and I feel like I'm barely hanging on. So many are barely hanging on. It seems if all this amazing technology is ready to go that the White Hats could use it to get us to the other side of the global madness sooner rather than later. Many are barely getting through their days and many have not made it. I keep the children in mind and know that as bad as it has been for many of us, our experience pales in comparison to the children and others being trafficked, tortured, murdered. I know one can't predict but just wondering if you have any sense of timeline for these technologies being made available for the liberation of humanity?

🙏 I hear you, Ashka.
Sometimes it feels unbearably slow. But keep in mind:
JFK, Jr. has been fighting DS demons ALL HIS LIFE.
Also, President Trump.
Q Team & US Generals have been in this Military Op for 60 years.
God's Victory over the devil must stand FOREVER.
Every part of this war is going to be analyzed in minutiae.
So Q ALWAYS reiterates
it must be done LEGALLY & BY THE BOOK.
If it were just America, that might be different.
But this is a war for the Freedom of Humanity,
Earth & the Solar System.
When you're weary, it's important to take time to replenish.
Do WHATEVER you can to de-stress.
Quit reading posts. Take a break.
We'll hold the line till you get back 💞😽🕊️

They will be available right away.

6 🤔

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My unceasing prayer, Milena 🤩🙏🌸☮️🌈🌟🌹🐬